Met some great people last night at the Ayer Makerspace meeting. Faisal Mohammed led the meeting along with the Ayer Board of Economic Development. A common vision for the makespace was discussed along with some proposals for where it might be located and what the people who attended planned to get out of it. There I met some other makers, tinkerers and inventors like Craig Farnsworth who runs Farns Wood which recycles, reclaims and repurposes wood and other antiques. Scott Winroth of Winroth LLC a small basement operated 3D modeling and printing company was also there. He’s was looking for space to bring his company to the next level and to network.
A representative from Duval Sign Company was also there discussing benefits that could be had for both the company and the makers alike. They have a large format Laser (with a 52×100″ table!) , CNC router and offer painting and finishing services. They discussed the importance of learning NC (numerical control) systems present in almost every industrial environment today.
Other makers were also represented with folks from the Steam Punk community, people who work with fiber, jewlery, glass and other arts. There will be more to come on the Ayer makerspace planning and development.